Missing, but in action

Apologies for the long-ass absence. I know I haven’t posted in a while, and I have a perfectly good explanation for why. Since I know a picture speaks a thousand words, I guess I’ll just give you a photodump first!

See, I’ve been out of the country for a little less than a month now and my schedule’s been waaay packed. Some days I didn’t even have time to check what day it is or have a chance to shower (TMI, but you know it happens anyway). Things have settled down a little bit, and I’m glad I finally had time to sit down and gather images and thoughts in my head, putting them together here in my little nook in cyberspace.

I know the pictures don’t really give it away, but I’m in California now. I’ve been here a few times, so no need really to sight-see, hence the less-than-identifiable photos. My parents and I decided to take some time out to attend my brother’s graduation and to…well, have a vacation. I’ve spent my time here mostly visiting family and friends and eating more than I should.

To be honest, I don’t really miss home all that much. (Well, I miss some things…) I love Manila and all, but trouble with it is how small the community can get. You go to high school with people you graduated kindergarten with, and your college upperclassman becomes your lunch buddy in the workplace. The confinement has its pros–things are comfortable, familiar, cozy. But when things get too much, it becomes predictable, even stifling.

Which is exactly why I decided to stay here in California for a while. No, I didn’t board the flight home with my parents. This wasn’t in the plan—and it’s unlike me to stray away from big plans, such as where to live or when to work, in general. But in the three weeks that I was here, I thought, “When else can I have an opportunity like this?” I go back to Manila, start working…and work forever, or I stay here for a few more months and just…explore. Get out of the routine. Discover things, people, myself(!).

I’m not gonna lie–it was a scary decision to make. What’s a few months, right? But that’s a stretch of time with no back up, no car, no friends, no thick jackets for fall, and hardly a contingency plan when things go wrong. This is a few months of me living away from the security–and what comforts!, now that I think about it–of my life in Manila and plunging into all things unfamiliar.

But here I am, taking it.

Wish me luck.

16 Comments on “Missing, but in action”

  1. R says:

    Seksi naman nito

  2. gaby says:

    Awww, Annie!!!!!! 😦 I will surely miss you! And I completely approve of your decision. When can you get another chance like this? 🙂 Go grab life by the collar and enjoy! I’m sure we’ll see each other in the future. Maybe I’ll get to visit you or you’ll get to visit me. Let’s keep in touch, ‘kay? I’ll send you a picture of your green tea kitkat and then give it to someone else. HAHAHAHA Sayang naman! :)) Love you and (again!) I will miss you and our antics! 🙂 :*

    • Anne Silva says:

      Aww Gaby! EMAIL ME OKAY! And omg, please don’t give it awayyy! HAHA Joke lang, sige na nga. I’ll miss you too, but I’m so excited for the adventures that we’ll have! 🙂 Keep me posted ha! I love you back.


  3. Explore!! You only live life once!! 🙂

    • Anne Silva says:

      TRUE. Not gonna lie, I think I considered how a lot of my friends, you included, are moving away too, and it really helped me take the plunge. 😀 LET’S DO THIS, YENI!

  4. Cy says:

    I loove it Anne!!:)

  5. Ninghil says:

    Yay for a new post! I realized you were in California when I saw one of your tweets (I just don’t remember what it is now! Haha!) I’m all for you staying there. If I had a choice three years ago, I would’ve stayed. Let me know how it goes!

  6. Frose says:

    “The wilderness must be explored! KAKAW KAKAW” as you always say (and that Fat Japanese Kid Russell from Up) I am excited for your little adventure! Buena Suerte!

    And btw, I love your dress 😛

  7. Jamie says:

    >:D< Adventure!! Let's Skype again soon and tell me how everything went. I have news toooo!

  8. mikkawee says:

    Awww, this is so beautiful, Anne! Sometimes, getting lost is the only way to find ourselves. Miss you!

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