Right before flight

Before I get what’s going down here, I just wanted to write about what happened before I left for the States, simply because it was my birthday week! 🙂

When I was younger, I never really celebrated DOBs because my family isn’t too big on them. Some really good Mommy spaghetti, fried chicken, and cake would cut it.  (Come to think of it, maybe they were saving all the partying for my 7th and 18th birthdays, because surely we made up for it then.) But as I got older, I learned that OMG you can go out and celebrate your birthday every year?

Although I still don’t party it up My Super Sweet Sixteen style, I do like to actually recognize the day I was brought out into the world as a little more special than the rest. This year, my birthday fell on a Sunday, and I decided to plan things before and after that, thinking that I had a full week before my trip. HOWEVER, I didn’t. My flight was just two days after my birthday, giving me just one free day before I had to go.

But we make do with what we’re given. I’m pretty happy with how my week went. Just a rundown of events:

  •  Got free tickets from my cousin (thanks Ate Kat!) hours before Kylie Minogue’s concert! I watched with Mikka and since traffic was horrible, we had to take the MRT (just like another girl who goes by my name, si teh Anne Curtis). It was well worth it though. Even if our seats were far, Mikka was told we got on TV! Probably from all the crazy dancing.
  • Watched Varekai with Paul (thanks for driving and you know what!) and it was AH-MAH-ZING. I’ve never seen Cirque du Soleil so it everything was pretty much jaw-dropping for me! Especially true when Dergin Tokmak, the disabled dancer, performed his Solo on Crutches. As a dancer (uuy) and person, I was really happy for him that he was doing what a lot of people probably thought he would never be able to do. He really deserves a YOU ALREADY!
  • Had an interview and presentation the day before I left, for a job at this cool digital marketing firm. If I were home by now, I’d be pretty stoked if I got it. Maybe in the future. 🙂
  • After my interview, crammed a quick dinner in Rockwell with some of my closest friends, and then post-dinner videoke with Guidon 2010 EB. 😀

Since I didn’t have a camera then, I only have pictures from Jason. I’m gonna end this post by flooding your eyes with images of me and some friends like we’re on the edge of glory.

Trying to harness the diva within Domz. Obviously, it only worked for me and Raymond.

Sasha and Keila singing now-relevant J.Lo. Or forever-relevant (in our hearts!) Britney Spears.

My impressive air guitar skillz!

Truth is, I have a feeling this is gonna be a good year for me, though I’m sure there’ll be hitches here and there. At least I’m certain of one thing–it definitely started right. Yay for 23! 🙂

My birthday, in pictures.

So my birthday was all sorts of awesome. Highlights include:

  1. Boys harmonizing to “Lucky” by Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat in my car.
  2. LAZERTAG XTREME with some friends, against kids and their moms. (Thankfully, we won!)
  3. Yummy Thai food!
  4. Cake, cake, cupcake, and macarons!
  5. A beyond-awesome video by my best friends, about my bizarre appeal to manongs of the Philippines.
  6. A gerbera plant.

Because I am busy with the Ateneo-FEU game, here are the pictures already.

Rose made me a compilation of birthday messages from some people and put it together nicely in this scrapbook. It includes a collage made by Raymond Ang. Click here for a better view --> http://twitpic.com/2446kk

My gerbera plant, plus me being a cat. Some toys + a cupcake. A nylon bag, some birthday cards, and our table numbers from Som's. 🙂

From Raymond and Carina. SO GOOD, I wanna cry. D:

The huge cake with the eloquently-written "Yaaay! Birthday!" 🙂

After this birthday, I realized that my friends know I eat a lot. Luckily for me, my friends have awesome taste in food so I get scrumptious goodies for me birthday loot! 🙂

Still not done replying to my birthday greetings over Facebook. I was really overwhelmed with the amount of HPBD messages I got over there. Thank you, birthday alert.

Cheers to 22, and thank you everyone for an amazing birthday! 🙂